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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Versions Of Gameboy

1)Game boy

The first Game Boy

The first Game Boy was released in 1989. The first Game Boy was large and gray, with a monotone dot matrix screen and monaural sound. It was playable for an average of 35 hours with four AA batteries. Many peripherals were released for it through its time, the more popular ones being the Game Boy Printer and Game Boy Camera. The Game Boy was also later released with five differently colored bodies.

2)Game Boy Pocket

The Game Boy Pocket.

The Game Boy Pocket was released in 1996 as a replacement for the original Game Boy. The Game Boy Pocket had a smaller frame, a larger screen, and a higher resolution display. Despite its screen improvements, the Game Boy Pocket display was still in monotone and the sound remained the same as it was in the original Game Boy. Another somewhat minor improvement was that the system took two AAA batteries instead of four AA, effectively helping to lighten its weight.

3)Game Boy Light

The Game Boy Light.

The Game Boy Light was a system released exclusively in Japan in 1997. It was similar in all ways to the Game Boy Pocket with the main difference being an indigo back-lit screen. The Game Boy light uses 2 AA batteries, which give it approximately 20 hours with the light off and 12 hours with the light on. It seems that the Game Boy Advance SP got its lighting idea from the Game Boy Light, however, the SP has a frontlight as opposed to the Light's backlight.

4)Game Boy Color

Similar to the original Game Boy but with a color screen. It can also support more pixels on the screen. Backward compatible to the Game Boy.

5)Game Boy Advance

An improved version of the Game Boy Color with a trapezoidal design and better graphics. It is also compatible with the GameCube.

6)Game Boy Advance SP

It features a clamshell design and boasts the ability to be played in the dark without an external light source using its frontlight. It also has a lithium rechargable battery as opposed to previous models' AA battery requirement.

7)Game Boy Micro

An unpopular 2nd redesign of the Game Boy Advance, due to lack of capability of backwards compatibility and due to the fact that it was released after the Nintendo DS.